Making every moment matter for families in Dorset

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Weldmar Hospicecare

Planning for your future care: Useful information for individuals and professionals

By setting out what is important to us now, we can ensure that our future care wishes are met. Here, you’ll find resources to help with Advance Care Planning (ACP), whether you are a health care professional, or looking to get your own ‘ducks in a row’.

The Advance Care Planning Hub

Advance Care Planning (ACP) is a process of person-centred discussions between an individual and their care providers about their preferences and priorities for their future care.

These are likely to involve a number of documented conversations over time and with whoever the person wishes to involve.

These conversations give people the opportunity to be involved in the planning for their future care. They feel more confident that their care and treatment will be focused on what matters most to them in a personalised, holistic way, and helps them to live as well as possible.

Weldmar Hospicecare has been leading a project to improve Advance Care Planning in Dorset, and working with care home staff, NHS frailty teams, and others to ensure these conversations take place, and are as effective as possible.

“It’s not about their death, it’s about their journey – in more ways than one, the Advance Care Plan is a ‘living’ document.”

This website page is under construction – more resources are being added on a regular basis.

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