Specialist care for adults in Dorset with a life limiting illness

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Weldmar Hospicecare

Syringe Driver Training T34 and BD Bodyguard


Who is this training suited to?

This training is suited to registered nurses and nursing associates in roles where they are required to set up, monitor and manage syringe drivers.

Course content

This course is a 2 hour session which focuses on why a syringe driver would be used and when it is appropriate. How a syringe driver works and some of the common symptoms they would be used for. Some of the common drugs used for each symptom.

The second half of this session is practical in which attendees will be shown how to set up the syringe driver and have opportunity to handle the devices and equipment used to set them up. The session lead will assess attendees in their ability to set the devices up.

Please note this is a theory session, attendees will still need to be assessed in practice by someone competent to do so in their workplace.

Learning outcomes

  • What a syringe driver is and why we use them.
  • Introduction to common symptoms.
  • Introduction to common subcutaneous medications and compatibility.
  • Practical session – Setting up of the syringe driver.

A Weldmar Hospicecare certificate will be provided upon completion.

Please contact the Education and Development Department for further details:

Telephone: 01305 756928

Email:  educationanddevelopment@weld-hospice.org.uk

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A great work session with useful tips.

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