What items can I not donate?
The whole area of recycling has changed for all Charities. We can no longer dispose of any broken, damaged or unsaleable items. We no longer have anywhere to recycle these goods and, in fact, have to PAY to have them taken away. We are, therefore, having to be more restrictive on what donations we can accept.
This list should help identify items we cannot accept. If in doubt please ask the Store Manager or one of our sales staff.
- Broken or Chipped China & Glassware
- Broken or Incomplete Toys / Games
- Soiled or Damaged Linens / Curtains
- Soiled or Damaged Clothing
- Standalone Computers / Monitors
- Electric Blankets
- All Crash Helmets
- Restrictions on certain Safety Items
- All Videos and Pirate or Personal DVDs / CDs