Making every moment matter for families in Dorset

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Weldmar Hospicecare

Specialist care for adults in Dorset with a life limiting illness

We provide specialist end of life care to people in Dorset who are living with a life limiting illness, which includes conditions such as cancer, motor neurone disease, and heart disease.

We also support their loved ones throughout what can be one of life’s most difficult journeys.

Weldmar Hospicecare provides this care throughout the west, south, and north of Dorset with our team of Weldmar Community Nurses, and our Weldmar at Home service. Our Inpatient Unit is situated in beautiful grounds in Dorchester.

As well as our doctors and nurses, our approach to providing specialist care extends to services such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy, and our Patient and Family Support Services team is there to help patients, their carers, and loved ones through this difficult time.


patients and family members in Dorset received our care in the last year


of all our care is provided in the community and patient's own homes


patients were referred to our Community Nursing Team last year

Weldmar Hospicecare

Weldmar Community Nursing Team

Your first contact with Weldmar Hospicecare is most likely to be with your local Weldmar Community Nurse, once you have been referred from your GP or healthcare professional.

They will visit you at home to discuss your needs and the best way forward.

The care we provide is as individual as you are.

Find out more about our community nursing team here
Weldmar Hospicecare

Our Inpatient Unit

For those patients who need a more sustained professional input, for example to help manage symptoms, we have our Inpatient Unit based in beautiful surroundings in Dorchester.

Our team of doctors, nurses, and other professionals are on hand at the hospice to provide bespoke and tailored care around the clock. They ensure patients are comfortable and treated with the respect they deserve.

Find out more about our Inpatient Unit here
Weldmar Hospicecare

Weldmar at Home

Weldmar at Home was introduced in 2021, to meet the growing need and demand for care for patients who wish to die in their familiar and comfortable surroundings.

We provide care to people with advanced illness in their homes, with the aim of helping people remain comfortable, as well as assisting and supporting those important to them.

Find out more about Weldmar at Home here

More support from our specialists and experts

We have a range of additional support available to help patients retain their independence and quality of life for as long as possible.

Family Support Services

Patient and Family Support Services

At Weldmar Hospicecare, we are proud to support family members and loved ones though what can be life’s most difficult journey.

Our Patient and Family Support Service is made up of a number of professionally qualified and specially trained support staff and volunteers. The service offers both emotional support and practical help or advice through Wellbeing Support Sessions, specialist social workers, counsellors, bereavement support, spiritual care, and even complementary therapies.

Find out more about these services here
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