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How can we help you?

We've put together some commonly asked questions to give you more information about Weldmar and the services we offer.

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Weldmar Hospicecare

Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy

Our team of Allied Health Professionals aim to help patients maintain their independence and quality of life for as long as possible, so that they can make the most of every day.

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The role of our physiotherapists is to help optimise a person’s physical ability, enable well-being and empower the person to live as independently and fully as possible.

The main role of our occupational therapists is to enable people to achieve as much independence as possible within everyday tasks and to advise those that are supporting them as to the best way to do this.


Physiotherapy can be helpful in managing symptoms such as:

  • Breathlessness
  • Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Reduced mobility

Physiotherapy interventions may include:

  • Functional rehabilitation: aiming to maintain or improve independence and encourage self-management and a sense of control and well-being.
  • Symptom management advice: with regards to breathlessness, pain, fatigue and anxiety.
  • Exercise advice: individual advice aiming to maintain and/or improve mobility and muscle strength.
Weldmar Hospicecare

Occupational therapists will also work to optimise the person’s ability to function safely within their home, work and leisure environments.

This may involve providing advice regarding different ways of adapting the way daily tasks are carried out in order to make them easier to complete. It may involve the provision of assistive equipment to enable the completion of those tasks. Sometimes support is given to help home adaptations to be completed.

Treatment offered will vary upon the individual needs of the person and their particular symptoms and difficulties, but this can include fatigue and anxiety management strategies; activities of daily living assessments and hand function assessments.

Our Occupational Therapists’ also ensure that the appropriate equipment is in place to support a person within their preferred place of care towards the end of their life.

Common Questions

Who do you provide your physio and occupational therapy services to?

We provide physio and occupational therapy services to anyone with a palliative care need who has been referred to Weldmar Hospicecare and has been identified as having a specialist Physiotherapy or Occupational Therapy need.

How can I access the service for input from a Physiotherapist or an Occupational Therapist?

If you feel that you would benefit from an assessment of your Physiotherapy or Occupational Therapy needs, then talk to your Weldmar Community Nurse or GP about being referred to our team for an assessment.  Alternatively you can call us direct on 01305 215322 to discuss your needs.

Where will I been seen by a physio or occupational therapist?

The team work with people whilst they are staying in our Inpatient Unit, attending Day Services, or they visit them at home. Out-patient appointments are also offered for the delivery of some aspects of our therapy.

Do I need to pay for the services of a physio or occupational therapist?

As with all of the services at Weldmar Hospicecare, the services of a physio or occupational therapist, including equipment provision, are completely free of charge.  However, there may be some smaller daily living aids that will require private purchase.

Who works within the Allied Health Professionals team?

We have two Physiotherapists, three Occupational Therapists, and an AHP (Allied Health Profession) Assistant Practitioner who work within the Allied Health Professional team.

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