Light up a Life
Lighting up memories for those we miss.
Light up a Life is an opportunity for you to remember those who are sadly no longer with us at Christmas.
Dedicate a light to a loved one, and join us at our special services of remembrance across Dorset.
Online Light up a Life Service
Watch our 2024 online service below.
You can dedicate a light for a loved one here.
If you attended a Light up a Life service and feel that you would like to talk to someone, we can arrange a call for you with a member of our Patient and Family Support Services team. Please call 01305 215300 in office hours.
Remembering loved ones at Christmas
Christmas can be especially difficult as we contemplate spending this special time of year without a loved one. The joy and celebration can make their absence particularly noticeable.
Light up a Life is an opportunity to remember, celebrate, and be thankful for the love and joy they brought us.
You can dedicate a light in their memory on one of our Light up a Life trees, at the venues where we are holding our special services. We also host an online service for those unable to attend in person.
Dedicating a light also means that you continue to support Weldmar Hospicecare, as your donation will go directly towards our specialist care for adults in Dorset who have a life limiting illness, and support for their loved ones.
You can dedicate a light to anyone, whether they were cared for by Weldmar or not.

Your Light up a Life Pack
If you dedicate a light, you will receive a Light up a Life pack, which includes a special wooden star to hang on your own tree, or on your local Light up a Life tree.
It also includes your order of service, which you can bring along to any of the services we hold, or use to follow the online Light up a Life service.
All those who have a light dedicated to them will also be recorded in our Book of Remembrance.
Dedicating a light to your loved one will help us provide care and support to people like Joyce and Nobby
“It was almost like she’d been a family friend for years,” says Joyce, recalling how Weldmar Community Nurse Tash came into their home for the first time. “Nobby loved her from the start. She made us feel so much brighter. Every visit lifted us.”
Joyce and Nobby (pictured) were married for 66 years, and lived in rural West Dorset. What should have been a routine visit to the dentist for Nobby led to a shock diagnosis of cancer, and he was referred to Weldmar. Tash called, and arranged to see them.
Dedicate a light in memory of a loved one
Please fill in the form below to dedicate a light, on one of our trees across Dorset, in memory of a loved one. If you have any problems with the form, or would rather speak to a member of our team, please call 01305 261800.