Making every moment matter for families in Dorset

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30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare in 2024

As we celebrate thirty years of providing outstanding end of life care in Dorset, we have put together a list of 30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare. Your support ensures that we are able to provide care for families who need us in the future.

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Providing us with a sustainable income

30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (1)

Starting off the list of 30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare, one of the best things to do today is to consider the future. Gifts left in Wills allow us to provide care for one in three of the people we support, and will give us the most sustainable future income, to make sure we can provide that support for future generations.

Leaving a gift in your Will is probably more affordable than you think – it doesn’t have to be a lump sum and can instead be a percentage of what you leave behind. It won’t cost you anything now or in your lifetime, and you can even write a Will for free with our trusted colleagues at Octopus Legacy.

More about leaving a gift in your Will
30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (2)

It only costs £1 per week to play Your Hospice Lottery, but that small investment makes a big difference! The more people who play, the more guaranteed income we can rely on to ensure we are able to provide our services.

It’s fun, easy, and affordable, and you can win some great prizes too! We’re part of Your Hospice Lottery, but be assured that your ticket will only be supporting Weldmar. There is a Rollover Jackpot of up to £25,000 to win (a Weldmar player recently won £22,000!), as well as guaranteed weekly prizes of £1,000, £250, and more. You can sign up online, which is really straightforward to do.

More about playing the lottery
30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (3)

Of course, you could just decide that you want to make a regular donation to Weldmar.

It’s easy to set up, and your gift can be monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually. We have a simple online form to set up your Direct Debit. Our Supporter Care team are always on hand to answer any queries and to provide help. If you’d like to discuss a regular gift, please call 01305 261800.

More about making a regular donation
30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (4)

Payroll Giving is one of the ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare as it allows you to make donations direct from your wages before tax is deducted, giving immediate tax relief as well as a regular income to Weldmar.

For example, a £10 donation will essentially cost you £8 if you pay the basic tax rate.

Does your employer offer this? If so, please consider choosing Weldmar Hospicecare to donate regularly to. If not, encourage them them to sign up. Just a few pounds from each employee every month will add up to a significant amount during the year!

More about Payroll Giving

Shopping with Weldmar Hospicecare

30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (5)

Weldmar Hospicecare has 23 shops, outlets, and superstores around Dorset, so there will be one near you! The money raised by our charity shops pays for the entire charity to operate for the equivalent of six hours every day.

Perhaps you haven’t been in a charity shop for a while – we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised! There are lots of quality fashion, homewares, entertainment and more. Our outlets and superstore also have a range of furniture.

If you love charity shopping, this action is one of 30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare. You can also join our community on Facebook and Instagram.

Find your local Weldmar shop
30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (6)

Of course, the other side of the coin with our charity shops are the generous donations we receive.

If you’re having a spring clean or clearout at home, please consider donating items of good quality to your local Weldmar shop. They’ll certainly find a loving new owner and a fresh lease of life, and it’s environmentally good too, as it prevents these items from going into landfill if thrown away.

Check the details of your local Weldmar shop on this website to discover what they do and don’t take, and contact numbers if you want to ask any questions. It’s worth remembering that our outlets and superstore also collect and deliver larger items.

Find your local Weldmar shop
30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (8)

When you do donate good to our charity shops, make sure you say that you want to ‘Gift Aid’ them. We were able to claim £325,000 in Gift Aid last year* from donations made to our shops!

This allows us to claim an additional 20p on top of every £1 that your items raise when we sell them. You just need to be a UK taxpayer to qualify for Gift Aid, and we’ll notify you at the end of the tax year to tell you how much your items have raised, and how much additional Gift Aid that we can claim.

We can supply you with a tag for your keyring that we can scan each time you pop in to donate goods, so it will only take a few extra seconds!

*April 2022 to March 2023

More about Gift Aid
30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (9)

Do you like to shop online? is a website that allows you to raise money for Weldmar when you shop on popular websites such as John Lewis, Argos, Just Eat, M&S, Currys, Moonpig, and many more. Visit the easyfundraising website to discover how to enable this when you visit those websites.

Visit the easyfundraising website
30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (9)

Speaking of shopping online, don’t forget that we have our own eBay shop!

Currently, we have 99.7% feedback having sold 12,000 items! You’ll find fashion, jewellery, collectibles and higher value items, and much more.

A chance to shop with Weldmar around the clock!

Visit our ebay shop
30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (10)

If you’re enjoying some time out in Weymouth and fancy a coffee, pop along to the EBIKE Cafe on the harbour and treat yourself to a Weldmarccino! 

Owner Josephine Claxton put them on the menu in early 2023, and almost 5,000 were sold by the end of the year, with 10p from every cup coming to Weldmar.

More about the Weldmarccino

Give your time and expertise

30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (11)

Just before we leave the subject of shopping, don’t forget that our shops are always on the lookout for volunteers of all ages! 

If you love fashion you could be helping put together our display outfits. If you’re great with people you can serve at the till. And there are lots of other tasks such as sorting through new donations, and even testing electrical items.

None of our retail sites could operate without the help of volunteers, and you can give whatever time you can spare – even a couple of hours a week would make a difference.

More about shop volunteering
30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (12)

We also have a number of varied volunteering roles at our Inpatient Unit.

We have people who give their time to look after reception and take on administrative duties, arrange flowers, and even help to serve meals and refreshments to patients and their visitors. All volunteers are just as much a part of #TeamWeldmar as the doctors, nurses, and other staff at the IPU.

We have a number of volunteering roles listed on our website. If you don’t see one that suits you but you feel you have something to offer, there is also an expression of interest form which you can fill in, and we could even create a role that matches your skills!

See our current volunteer roles
30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (13)

If you’re happy to use your own vehicle, we would welcome your interest in becoming a volunteer driver.

This could be a regular or ad hoc commitment, and involve taking patients or their loved ones to appointments or Weldmar services, or collecting prescriptions.

Out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed and there is no upper age limit for this volunteering role.

See our current volunteer roles
30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (14)

We always welcome people who put their hand up to help at our fundraising events!

Whilst we do fewer fundraising events through the year than we used to, we now concentrate on larger events that will provide a more significant income for the charity. This includes Music By The Lake, our big music festival every summer in Dorchester, and our own Summer Fete at the Inpatient Unit, which regularly attracts thousand of people.

Volunteers who can help set up and clear down, marshall, and look after stalls, are always a huge help and help save vital funds that can instead go towards providing our speciaist end of life care for those with a life limiting illness.

Look out for volunteering opportunities on social media, our website, and the monthly volunteer newsletter.

Engage with Weldmar, and learn more about us

30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (15)

A really great way to show your support for Weldmar Hospicecare is to get involved with our content on social media.

You can follow our latest news, announcements, and reminders, engage with our charity shops, get alerts on the latest job vacancies, and join our community of fundraisers and supporters. We have a variety of platforms, pages and groups, so you can find what’s most suitable for you.

By commenting, sharing, and reacting to our content, you’re enabling more people to see it, and therefore get involved in supporting Weldmar themselves. In the ‘About’ tab on our facebook page, you’ll see various links to our different social media accounts.

Weldmar's Facebook page
30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (16)

Every January and July, we publish the Weldmar Magazine, which used to be known as our newsletter.

It’s now bursting with news, stories, interviews, and features about Weldmar, the people that we care for, and our own team of staff and volunteers.

As a supporter, you may get sent a copy, but if not you can sign up to receive it (see below), or pick up the latest copy from your local Weldmar Hospicecare shop or wherever you see our Community Outreach Vehicle in Dorset. It’s always free, and will give you an idea of the difference that Weldmar makes in the lives of those with a life limiting illness, as well as their loved ones.

30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (17)

As well as following us and engaging will us on social media, you can also sign up to receive our Weldmar Magazine and emails, if you don’t already get them.

It’ll take just a minute or two to fill in the form, and of course if you change your mind you can amend your contact preferences at any time.

We certainly won’t bombard you! We publish two magazines per year, and will only send out additional mailings or emails when it’s relevant for you.

Sign up here
30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (18)

Weldmar offers far more support and care than you think, so discover more about our services on our website.

Many people still think our charity is all about our hospice building – but in fact 83% of our care takes place in local communities across Dorset and in the comfort of patients’ own homes.

More about the services we offer

Donate in memory of a loved one

badge for memory tribute 30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (19)

If a loved one has been cared for by Weldmar in the past, you might like to consider supporting us in their memory.

A brand new way to do that is to set up a Treasured Memory Tribute fund. This is an online page that can feature your memories, photos, and video of your loved one, and can be shared with family, friends, and via your social media pages. Anyone can make a donation on the page to Weldmar.

This page will remain online, so that birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions can be marked, and any fundraising that you may do can all be done using this page, so that your loved one will have a lasting, ongoing legacy.

More about Treasured Memory Tribute Funds
Add name to memory tree badge

In 2018, we introduced the Memory Tree at our Inpatient Unit, a beautiful curved installation in our reception area.

Your loved one can have their name engraved on a leaf of your choice – you can choose from gold, silver, and bronze.

More about our Memory Tree
remember a loved one at light up a life badge

The lead up to Christmas can be the most difficult when you are missing a loved one. Whether they were cared for by Weldmar or not, you can remember loved ones by dedicating lights in their memory on one of our special Light up a Life trees across Dorset.

At each tree, in early December, we also hold a special service of remembrance that you can attend, or you can watch our online service.

Each light you dedicate is in return for a donation to Weldmar Hospicecare.

Look out for details of Light up a Life later in the year.

Make a donation in memory of a loved one

Whilst we have the Memory Tree, Treasured Memory Tribute Funds, and Light up a Life, you might simply want to make a donation in memory of a loved one, to recognise the care that they had from Weldmar Hospicecare and to allow someone in the future to benefit from the same quality of care.

Simply fill out a form with all the details, or call our fundraising team on 01305 261800 to discuss it, or make a payment over the phone.

Donate in memory of a loved one

Get involved with fundraising activities

event fundraiser badge

Put the fun into fundraising and organise an event to raise money!

The options are endless. You can hold a quiz night, disco, bingo, music event, table top sale, car wash, or a host of other things. Do something you’d enjoy, and get your family and friends to help out.

We have lots of suggestions and top tips in our Fundraising Hub, so check it out!

Visit the Fundraising Hub
fundraiser event badge

As well as considering organising your own fundraising event, you could also look out for other events near you that are in support of Weldmar Hospicecare.

We have local events on our website (if you’re organising something, let us know and we’ll make sure it’s on the list!), and there is also a Facebook Group specifically for Weldmar Supporters and Fundraisers to share what they are doing for us. This group has more than 1,000 members, so get involved and join the Weldmar fundraising community!

Local events in aid of Weldmar Our Supporters Facebook Group
take on a challenge for weldmar badge

Feeling brave? There are lots of things you can challenge yourself with to support Weldmar Hospicecare.

You might like to take on the London Marathon or another running event. You could skydive, wingwalk, bungee jump, take on an assault course, and lots more!

In our Fundraising Hub you’ll find links to all the amazing fundraising experiences you can sign up to with us – or, of course, you can discover your own and raise sponsorship. Taking on a challenge is one of the most fun and exciting 30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare.

More about taking on a challenge
Madagascar or Machu Pichu support badge 30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare (26)

Since we took a group of fundraisers to the Sahara Desert for our first Overseas Trek in 2013, we have raised more than half a million pounds from these trips around the world!

Why not consider one of two epic 30th Anniversary Overseas Challenges as one of the 30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare? In November 2024 we are leading a trip to the magical island of Madagascar, whilst in March 2024 you could be taking in one of the new wonders of the world – Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail.

Both will be hard work – but breathtaking, and once in a lifetime experiences. The sooner you sign up, the more time you’ll have to fundraise, which we’ll fully support you with.

More about these Overseas Challenges
Fundraiser at work badge

How about organising a regular or one off fundraiser for Weldmar where you work?

It could involve dressing down, dressing up, coffee and cakes, a fun activity, or anything else that you’d like – the possibilities are endless!

We have a dedicated Business Fundraiser who can support you in supporting us in the workplace.

More about supporting Weldmar at Work

Attend a Weldmar Hospicecare event

Music by the lake tickets purchase badge

Music By The Lake is our flagship fundraising event – a weekend full of live music every summer at Dorchester Showground.

This year it will be bigger than ever with even more names on the bill! We’ll have leading tributes to Abba, Robbie Williams, the Spice Girls, Duran Duran, Madonna, Pink, Lionel Richie, Diana Ross, and Stevie Wonder, all performing between 5th and 7th July. Attending the event is not only fun, but also part of the 30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare.

New additions this year include being able to reserve a luxury picnic box, rent chairs, and book a pitch for your motorhome or campervan.

Get your Music By The Lake tickets
Summer fete badge

Our popular Summer Fete is always on the second Saturday in September at our Inpatient Unit in Dorchester. The Summer Fete features our famous Nurses’ Stall, Silent Auction, and lots of games, stalls, and entertainment for all the family.

We have amazing support from the local community, welcoming thousands of people every year, with £21,000 raised by the event in 2023.

Martin Clunes is a regular visitor to the Summer Fete too!

And finally … join our team!

work for us badge

Working for us is one of the 30 ways to support Weldmar Hospicecare, as there are more job opportunities than you might think!

Our careers and jobs in Dorset include clinical positions in the community and at our Inpatient Unit, therapists, counsellors, social workers, catering, housekeeping and maintenance, at our chain of charity shops across the county, and head office functions such as fundraising, finance, administration, and marketing.

There are lots of benefits to being part of #TeamWeldmar, so look out for job opportunities on our website, and by following our Careers at Weldmar Facebook page.

Our latest job vacancies Pay and benefits at Weldmar Careers at Weldmar on Facebook
Say Hello to us on Social Media

Join our community on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and TikTok and for the latest news about Weldmar Hospicecare.