Making every moment matter for families in Dorset

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Our Sustainability Statement

Weldmar Hospicecare is an independent charity, providing personalised advice, care, and support to people in Dorset who have complex needs at the end of life, supporting both the patient and those important to them. We have made a number of pledges to play our part in protecting the environment for future generations in Dorset.

Weldmar Hospicecare
Weldmar's Values

We are a Values based organisation, and our Values are intrinsic to all that we do.

Caring is one of our four main core Values (‘We care for the people we support, who support us, each other and ourselves’), this means we also care about the community and environment, both now and the legacy that we will leave for the future.

Being Adaptable is another of our Values, to enable us to improve and develop, considering new ways and initiatives for providing our services in a greener, more sustainable way, which is extremely important to us.

Our Policy

Weldmar is working to minimise our reliance on finite resources in all areas of our operations and service delivery.

We will comply with all relevant environmental legislation, ensuring that patient care is not adversely impacted, and that we do not inadvertently create barriers for individuals to access our services.

We are committing to the UK Government’s net zero targets to transition to zero by 2050 (the carbon emissions we directly control).

To achieve this, we will focus on continual improvement in our practice, where practicable and affordable, and have set an evolving list of goals to reduce our environmental impact and our carbon footprint to help protect our planet for future generations.

Here are just some of things we will be doing

Our People: Weldmar has created an Environmental Sustainability Group with employees and volunteers who are interested in all matters green. Members represent all levels of the organisation and are identifying where Weldmar could make a change, however small.

  • We will continue to engage with all our people to educate and embed sustainability principals at Weldmar.

Our Places: We have a number of buildings in our estate, including the Inpatient Unit, offices and charity shops. We have already phased out LED lighting at our Inpatient Unit.

  • We will be measuring, monitoring and looking at ways to reduce our utilities consumption.

Sustainable models of care: Greater provision of care closer to home reduces carbon emissions and is recognised to improve patient experience. The majority of our care is already delivered in patients’ homes through our teams of specialist community nurses and Weldmar at Home.

  • We will look at ways we can we reduce paper to do more digitally, adopting new technology and using AI where appropriate.

Sustainable Procurement: We are working towards a sustainable procurement policy; to better understand our supply chains and to engage with suppliers to identify opportunities and choose more sustainable options, where reasonably practical.

  • We will only use recycled or FSC certified paper in all printing. Ideally all paper will also be carbon off-set.

Waste, Re-use & Recycling: From 1st October 2023, the government introduced a single-use plastics ban – businesses must no longer supply, sell or offer certain single-use plastic items in England. These have eliminated for many functions in many parts of Weldmar, particularly in the kitchen and retail. Single use plastic remains a challenge for clinical areas and we will follow developments in this area.

  • We will manage our waste and recycling within our buildings, more efficiently and consider Reduce / Reuse / Reprocess and Repair’ before recycle and disposal
  • We will measure and reduce the use of all plastic and packaging used in patient care and consumable shop supplies
  • We will reduce amount of textile donations to our charity shops sold to recycling merchants by 20%

Travel and Transport: Weldmar Hospicecare works across Dorset, a rural county with poor public transport connections. We are therefore conscious of the amount of travel sometimes necessary for our services to go ahead and consider ways we can encourage green transportation modes and/or providing remote access to events.

  • We will move all our fleet vehicles to hybrid or electric fuel
  • We will reduce emissions from business travel.

Read our Green Plan

We have set out more details about our goals and how we will achieve them in our Green Plan.

Get in touch

If you have a question or suggestion for our Environmental Sustainability Group please email them at

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