All Weldmar staff are here to help you, and are pleased to receive any ideas, comments, or suggestions you may have for improving our services.
We are also anxious to hear if you are unhappy about any aspect of our services so we can make improvements. When a matter is raised, we will try to deal with it promptly.
Who can complain?
Patients, carers, visitors, volunteers, customers and members of the public all have the right to complain about services which they feel to be unsatisfactory, and to have that complaint investigated by a person of seniority who was not directly involved.
Is there a time limit?
While it is helpful to raise issues that concern you promptly so that any explanations, or further information can be given, or action taken if necessary, it may be that your concerns do not come into focus for a while so please feel free to give your feedback at any time.
How do I make a complaint?
You are welcome to discuss your point with a senior member of staff or Director before deciding whether to make a formal complaint, and they can help you through the process. You can of course ask a friend or relative to help you, or to complain on your behalf. Complaints can be written, via email or verbal.
Written Complaints
All written complaints should be sent to:
Chief Executive
Weldmar Hospicecare
Herringston Road
or by email to caroline.hamblett@weld-hospice.org.uk
Verbal Complaints
If you speak to a member of staff they will write down what you say and send it to the Chief Executive who will treat it as if it had been received in writing.
What happens when a complaint has been made?
All complaints will be dealt with courteously and carefully to satisfy the complainant that an investigation has been fairly and thoroughly performed and the outcome explained.
All formal written complaints will be acknowledged within two working days, and following any formal investigation, we will try to respond in full within 20 working days of receipt of the letter of complaint. If this is not possible you will be sent a letter telling you why.
Who knows that I have complained?
The complaint will remain confidential; all information pertaining to the complainant will be stored on a password protected database and paper copies will be kept locked in a cupboard. Information will only be shared with staff or volunteers implicated in, or involved with, the complaint investigation.
What can I do if I am not happy with the answer?
If you are not satisfied with the response you may write to the Chairman of Weldmar Hospicecare at the address above.
Alternative method of complaint – patient care only
We hope our investigation will give you a full answer, however, if you are still dissatisfied you can also report your concerns to the Care Quality Commission (CQC). You can write to them at
Care Quality Commission
Newcastle on Tyne
Telephone them on 03000 616161, or visit their website at www.cqc.org.uk. Please be aware that the CQC is unable to take forward complaints on your behalf.
Alternatively, you can ask NHS Dorset to consider the complaint response and advise. Please be aware that they are not able to investigate your complaint. You can write to them at
NHS Dorset
Vespasian House
Barrack Road
Or telephone them on 01305 368900 or email them at customer.careteam@nhsdorset.nhs.uk
Outside help to complain
If you would like help, Swan Advocacy offers advice and support in making a complaint. This service is free of charge. They can be contacted on 0333 3447 928, by email reception@swanadvocacy.org.uk, and you can visit their website at swanadvocacy.org.uk.