Why Dorchester’s Vivo Lounge is set for a month of fundraising activities for Weldmar
26th November 2021
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Jasmine Bedford is the Assistant Manager at Vivo Lounge in Dorchester. When it came to choosing a good cause to support for their annual LoungeAid event, she had no hesitation in putting Weldmar Hospicecare forward.
Jasmine’s Granny was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer eight years ago. She went through treatment, but sadly became very poorly and was referred to Weldmar. This is when she came under the care of a Weldmar Community Nurse.
“I was only about eleven years old at the time,” says Jasmine, “so it was my first experience of end of life and I didn’t really understand it all. But someone from Weldmar came in and spoke to the children in the family, and said she was here to support us, answer any questions we had, and make things a bit easier for us.”
“She wanted to stay at home, and Weldmar organised for her to have a hospital bed, and in fact anything that she and my Grandad needed, because he had some health issues too. Their help allowed my mum and auntie to carry on working and looking after the children.”
“Without Weldmar, my Granny wouldn’t have had the quality of life that she had towards the end. She still managed to be the Granny I knew. This was for longer than she would have been had it not been for the care she had from Weldmar.”
Jasmine says that choosing Weldmar for LoungeAid isn’t just to raise money, but awareness for the charity’s work too. “If your family hasn’t needed to use Weldmar, then you probably don’t realise they do as much as they do. I was only young at the time, but looking back I can see what a difference you guys made. If I can raise awareness of what you do, then I feel like I’m giving back on behalf of my Granny.”
Jasmine is delighted that LoungeAid is back, following the Covid restrictions that were in place last year. “Christmas wasn’t the same for any of us last year, and we’re really looking forward to getting the buzz back, there is such a good atmosphere here with Christmas parties and more happening in December.”
Activities that are planned, all to raise money for Weldmar, include:
- A Bake Sale on Friday 3rd December – find details here
- A children’s party, including fun and games such as ‘Pin the antlers on the Reindeer!’
- A Christmas Quiz Night
- A festive ‘Dress Up’ day
- Name the Teddy – on the bar throughout December
To find out more about these events, follow Vivo Lounge on Facebook or Instagram.
Our thanks to Jasmine for sharing her story. And also to the team at Vivo Lounge for dedicating their LoungeAid funds to Weldmar Hospicecare!