We’re inviting you to trek the Sahara Desert next year … but what will it be like?
16th July 2021
< BACK TO NEWSWe recently announced details of our latest Overseas Challenge, and you could be joining us to trek across the Sahara Desert in November, 2022!
It’s an experience like no other, and you’ll be supported by Weldmar from the moment you sign up, with training and motivation, team bonding, and help towards meeting an achievable fundraising target.
The Sahara was the destination for our first Overseas Challenge in 2013, and we’ve asked one of the participants, Jon Formon, to share his experience:
Why did you decide to sign up for the Sahara Desert trek challenge?
I went along to the information event and had a great evening. Weldmar were hospitable, informative, and the trek seemed to be a great adventure.
How were you supported in the lead-up, and during the challenge?
In the lead-up we had a very useful information pack that gave tips on training and what to bring. During the challenge, we have a Weldmar Representative and a Different Travel Tour Manager. They took good care of us.
How did you fundraise for the challenge?
I did a car boot sale, set up a Just Giving page and cooked breakfast for 50 people who all donated to Weldmar.

What was the best thing about the challenge?
The people I met over there and also my fellow Trekkers. I met some really good friends on the trek and we still keep in touch.
What was the worst thing about the challenge?
I can honestly say I enjoyed every moment of it, no worst things at all.
Would you recommend the challenge? And why?
Yes, the environment is so different from our daily life. The personal challenge of trekking in the heat and the social aspect really makes for an enjoyable adventure. Also knowing that you are contributing to a fantastic charity really helps give you a positive personal and team experience.

Why did you decide to support Weldmar by undertaking a challenge?
Weldmar has a fantastic reputation for the work they do. It was not a hard decision to embark on this challenge.
What advice would you give to anyone going on the Sahara trek?
Embrace the experience, take two pairs of sunglasses – I stood on mine during a mild sand storm!
Anything else to add?
You will receive fantastic support for your challenge, take the opportunity to make new friends, and raise funds for a fantastic charity.
Weldmar Hospicecare is looking for people seeking an adventure of a lifetime to sign up for the Sahara Desert Trek 2022.